Both of these books got me thinking about my connection to my space and how I work. I digest a lot of online influencer content about morning and night routines, art studio and room tours, day-in-my-life breakdowns, etc. but I have never really felt able to authentically create anything similar. When people ask me where/how I paint, I’m always pretty stumped because it’s complicated and inconsistent, and consequently, it feels a little embarrassing and unprofessional. In those moments, I feel like I’ve been caught, exposed as the amateur that I am. Like how people could “trust my process” as an artist if I admit that there is no dependable process?
But still, I know I do feel inspired and affected by “my studio space” even though it is ever-changing and unreliable, and if the House on Mango street can make me understand the writer and her home through a hodgepodge of short stories and descriptions, then I will attempt to do the same.
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